Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Dining In

Today I actually brought my food to work.  I ate the same thing yesterday and Monday (Subway breakfast, Chipotle lunch, both scaled for my current weight goals), but honestly I'm tired of having to get out of my car every morning or drive to Chipotle every afternoon.  Plus, outside of my petty time considerations, there's gas to consider as well as the cost.  Eating out for breakfast and lunch on a daily basis costs around $15.00 for me, excluding the fuel expense.  That's fine here and there (sometimes life gets hectic), but as an every day financial commitment it's not sustainable for my budget.

This morning it took me about an hour and forty minutes to get ready for work rather than my standard hour-ish, but considering I put two meals together during that extra forty minutes, I'll take it.  For breakfast I consumed a whopping three SmartPoints, compared to Subway's 11.  I used a La Tortilla low carb high fiber wrap for one point, a thin slice of Boar's Head picante provolone cheese for two points (it's just shy of half an ounce), and the remainder of the ingredients (two eggs, tomatoes, onion, etc.) are all zero point items.  All in all, calories come out to a maximum of 350 which is also a break over the 405 from Subway.  Lunch will be another La Tortilla wrap (1 SP, 50 calories), along with  four ounces of Boar's Head Salsalito Turkey (0 SP, 120 calories), another 1/2 ounce of the picante provolone cheese (2 SP, 50 calories) with a smear of Gourmaise (2 SP, 50 calories) and more random vegetables (tomatoes, onions, etc.) for a total of right at 300 calories.

That makes my breakfast-and-lunch total calories 650, as opposed to the eating out variant which totals 920 calories.  It's definitely easier to control intake when eating from home rather than eating out.  That said, if I'm eating my restaurant meals during the workday, I know I simply stick to very low SmartPoint diners in the evening, like fish or lean poultry with vegetables.  I usually have 4 SmartPoints left at dinner when I do my Subway/ Chipotle stuff, which would cover any oils for cooking/ dressing my food and then some.

I'm going to see how it goes.  I don't mind taking the time to fix some food in the mornings, and I also don't mind spending less.  Although Boar's Head meats and cheese are hardly cheap, the quality is good and it's still a considerably smaller expense than eating out.

In other news, I'm staring at my Lexapro prescription, worried about starting it.  I even caught myself thinking, "I'm worried it will mess with my brain!"

Which... I'm clinically depressed.  My brain actually needs to be messed with.  I'm just scared of not being me anymore.

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Holy Slackitude, Batman!

Yeah, yeah, it's been over a month.  I've put weight back on.  It's hard to say exactly how much because the scale is waffling...