I edited yesterday's post a bit. There's such a thing as oversharing, and although I'm obviously pretty public about my depression and use of medication to help even things out, some things just don't need to be said here. I'm still getting my sea legs with blogging, and I need to remember that everything that goes through my head doesn't necessarily need to end up on the internet for everyone to read.
Okay, now that bit of housekeeping is taken care of, I got my ten pounds lost award at Weight Watchers today -- yay! According to the WW scale I'm down to 173.8, which is precisely 10 pounds from my initial weigh-in, and this morning at home (pre-clothes and pre-coffee), my scale said 170.8. So obviously I was hopeful it would reflect at Weight Watchers, but I was also concerned that my massive coffee consumption would negatively affect the scale. Thankfully that was not the case :)
I know, I know, a simple solution to that worry would be to curtail my coffee consumption prior to heading out for the weigh-in, but y'all... coffee. 'Nuff said.
My food intake has been pretty good overall. I will admit that Boar's Head deli meats -- specifically the turkey and chicken breast options -- have been a huge help with this. I don't operate well from a position of deprivation. I doubt anyone really does. And having food that tastes good is important to me. I'm sure there are some out there who would say I'm weak or fooling myself or whatever, but I'm a pretty good expert on the subject of me, and although others might feel that it's a slippery slope from that to faceplanting into a pizza, it's not for me. For me, feeling as if I'm in a deprivation situation is what leads to a binge cycle. If that can be staved off by simply eating foods I enjoy, that are quick to prepare and fit within the Weight Watchers parameters, I'm all for it.
I've done the deprivation thing. I've run a couple of Whole 30's, I've tried the 5:2 "Fast Diet", and I whole-heartedly believe that those particular experiments partially led to the weight gain I've been dealing with for the past four years. They may work for some people, but they do not in any way work for me. The fastest way for me to suddenly start craving a food with little nutritional value and/ or a high calorie count is to tell me I can't have it, even for a month. I remember reading the intro to Whole 30 and seeing something along the lines of "Don't complain that this is hard. Kicking drugs is hard, item X is hard, but eating nutritionally sound non-inflammatory foods is not hard." Yeah... you know what? I'm sure it works for the Whole 30 folks, but it doesn't work for me, and my sample set of one confirms that, when it comes to my personal weight management, no food or groups of foods are entirely off the menu. Moderation actually is a thing. It's a legitimate practice. Personally, I can eat just a single serving of potato chips if I want. I can eat a single donut hole. I can have just one piece of cake, one cookie, one scoop of ice cream and not have it lead to me consuming the entirety of what's left over.
If others can't manage that, fine. They can do what works for them. As for me... I shall eat cake.
Ten pounds down. It's working for me. I'm going to continue on with what works.
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