So I got on the scale again this morning. Actually, I've weighed myself every morning after last Saturday's oh-so-interesting weigh-in at Weight Watchers, and every day the number has dropped.
At Weight Watchers, the exact scale weight I had was 183.8. This morning on my home scale, it was 174.4.
Now yes, these were two different scales. That said, my Sunday weight on my home scale was 182.somethingorother, so it's not as if the scales are that far off each other.
No one drops 10 lbs. of fat in a week. No. One. Especially no one at my size. But it does go to show how much water weight I was holding onto, thanks to my massive Dorito Fest last week.
It also shows that compliance with an eating plan tends to be super helpful with the scale, all other things being equal. Unfortunately, I'm quietly freaking out this morning because I have had such a good week, scale-wise and food-wise, and next Monday I start taking my Lexapro and I'm bloody terrified that will reverse my progress on the scale, or at least halt it.
It needs to happen, though. I'm in a good place at the moment -- literally at this exact moment in time, a condition that's subject to change without notice -- but I can feel the stupid clinical depression beast in the background. It's likely not helped by the fact that my ex-husband decided yesterday was just a fabulous day to call me after years of radio silence.
Of course he called the office phone, I'm assuming because he figured I wouldn't pick up on my cell if I saw who was calling. He's right, but not for the reason he thinks. I actually deleted his number from my phone last year, as I have no need to get in touch with him directly anymore (no minor children between us, all financial entanglements are resolved), so it would have shown up just as a random number from his state and I would have assumed it was another of those ridiculous spam calls and just let it go to voicemail.
At any rate, I answered, blah blah blah... it appears he wanted to just chat. Like, socially. All. My. Whats. Really, dude? Seriously? Our marriage was a nightmare (he's an alcoholic, abusive, and likely bipolar but never medicated), he behaved horribly during the divorce, he behaved horribly after the divorce, he paid a whopping ONE month of child support over the ten years he was ordered to pay it, he moved out of state and contacted our children via telephone literally twice... nope. I have no respect for a parent who can just ignore his or her children like that. The child support was annoying, but the part that hurt most was that he completely ignored our kids. He supported them in no way at all -- not emotionally, not psychologically, and obviously not financially. He had it within his power to do all three, but he'd rather play "woe is me" than be a parent.
Bite me, jerkface. Also, lose my numbers -- all of them. The only ones you need are your kids' cell phone numbers, and I made sure you had those because I wasn't going to be your excuse for not contacting your kids. Sorry, asshole, it's all on you.
So anyway, yes, obviously the beast is lurking close to the surface :) Moving right along, I think eating food from home rather than takeout/ drive through likely had to do with the near four pounds difference in scale weight from yesterday to today. I'm not sure what the scale will say at Weight Watchers on Saturday, but I'm eager to see! I just hope the nice ladies don't freak out if it's too much of a drop. I'm sure they know that the first week someone is deliberately eating at a deficit it can show a greater loss due to water weight and less food volume in the body, but I don't want anyone freaking out, LOL
I say that as if there's going to be an insane drop, but remembering back to my first week on NutriSystem over 10 years ago, ten pounds is about right for me for the first week when I'm this heavy.
Fingers crossed :)
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