Monday, July 16, 2018

Day 28 Lexapro

Well, sigh.  The scale did not behave on Saturday as I'd have liked, but in the interests of transparency it certainly behaved the way it ought.  I massively overdid on baklava last week.  Excuse?  I have none.  I like it, it was available, I rarely have it, so I dove in head-first over and over and over.

According to Weight Watchers I put on 1.2 pounds.  According to my home scale I put on between 0.2 and 1.2 pounds, depending on when I weighed myself/ how much coffee I'd consumed.  I also was wearing heavier clothes for my weigh-in this week... in part because I knew the weigh-in wouldn't be awesome so adding the weight of jeans rather than the lightweight knit skirt I usually wear wasn't going to make the difference between whether I lost or not.  And in a way, I'm glad I had that opportunity because I am sick and tired of wearing that skirt to meetings anyway. 

Still, even though I am pretty sure I know what caused my uptick last week, I'm tracking like a beast this week to ensure I don't have a similar outcome this next Saturday.

On the plus side with all of this, I did walk four out of five workdays last week, so yay me!  I'm glad I did that.  It doesn't have much impact at all on my calorie burn, but it's a good practice for me to get back into.

Oh, and this morning my stupid home scale said the dreaded "172.2" again.  Because it hates me.  Oh well.  Onward!

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Holy Slackitude, Batman!

Yeah, yeah, it's been over a month.  I've put weight back on.  It's hard to say exactly how much because the scale is waffling...