Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Counting? Who's Counting?

Apparently I'm not counting, at least.  Not days on Lexapro (although I'm sure I could do the math if I felt like it), not PointsPlus, not calories, not even weight recording.

I've kind of slipped.  Ever since school started back up and I feel like things got back to normal, I went back to what was "normal" before school got out.  Well, it's time to get back to the new normal.

I'm tracking points today.  I'm still torn between trying to stay in my daily range or just glaring at my app as I continue tracking, but the one thing I do know is I will definitely track.

I'll weigh myself Saturday, and I'll go from there.  I might even hit an official meeting, depending on where I am as far as vet visits and everything else is concerned.

But tracking is indeed happening.  I had my "break", and it's time to focus.

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Holy Slackitude, Batman!

Yeah, yeah, it's been over a month.  I've put weight back on.  It's hard to say exactly how much because the scale is waffling...