Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Day 50 Lexapro

Lordy I'm tired. 

I'd say the one side effect from the Lexapro that hasn't really abated to a degree I'd like is the insomnia.  I woke up Monday morning at 3:00 AM and wasn't able to get back to sleep, so last night I went to bed really early -- as in, I was in bed by 7:30.

I couldn't fall asleep until well past 8:00, and even then I woke up again at 2:00 AM for another bout of wakefulness that at least ended sometime before I was due to get up.

I'd just like to stop feeling like I'm about to faceplant into my keyboard, please.  Yeesh.

Outside of that, I was retaining water like a beast this morning.  Yesterday was 168.4; today was 171.8.  At first I was sure the scale needed to re-calibrate, but nope!  Oh well, I saw it coming.  It was the red beans, likely in combination with the Subway for yesterday's breakfast and possibly the frozen dinner style lunch I had.  Thankfully, today is a normal food day, and the remaining red beans are for my husband; here's hoping tomorrow's weigh-in is a bit more normal.

Okay, on for the three things I'm happy about:
  • Oh, huge one -- I'm happy that the dream I had last night was not real!  For some reason I was dreaming that my mother was trying to make me mow the lawn (y'all, I have never touched a lawnmower in all my 48 years and I don't intend on starting now); when I refused, she said she was going to take my car.  That she didn't buy me.  Uh-huh, okay there!
  • I'm happy I continue to take steps to improve myself and to become the person I want to be.
  • I'm super happy I got confirmation that my vacation day requests were approved and I have next Monday and Tuesday off -- squeeeee!!!!
Have a great Tuesday, everyone :)

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Holy Slackitude, Batman!

Yeah, yeah, it's been over a month.  I've put weight back on.  It's hard to say exactly how much because the scale is waffling...