Saturday, August 11, 2018

Day 54 Lexapro

167.8 today, another 0.6 pounds down -- so at least I'm consistent?  Regardless, I'm still losing and that's 100% a plus.  I'd like to lose more quickly, but at the moment I'm not willing to put in the work so I either need to resign myself to a slow-but-steady weight loss or suck it up and get in my 30 minutes a day of walking/ bike riding.

Honestly, it would be good to exercise like an adult.  I'm thinking about it.  It wouldn't kill me to get on the bike or treadmill for half an hour when I get home from work.  I just need to do it.

All that said, the trendline is moving down and I've been out of the 170's on my weigh-in day for three weekends now, so that's a good thing.

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Holy Slackitude, Batman!

Yeah, yeah, it's been over a month.  I've put weight back on.  It's hard to say exactly how much because the scale is waffling...