Monday, August 20, 2018

Day 63 Lexapro

My current mornings:
  1. Get out Lasix.
  2. Get out Pupperoni.
  3. Tear off tiny bit of Pupperoni, shove pill into middle of same, edge first, so tiny dog can't discern it.
  4. Offer Teddy Pupperoni, followed swiftly by piece #2 so he'll bolt down the pill.
  5. Give Charlie a treat, because Teddy got a treat and Charlie doesn't understand why he can't have one.
  6. Fill up syringe with cough syrup, shoot down Ted's throat.
  7. Give Teddy another treat.
  8. Give Charlie another treat, too. Because.
  9. Smear weird ointment on Teddy's nose because it's not enough he's got CHF, he's also apparently attempting to grow a rhinoceros horn.
  10. Give Teddy ANOTHER treat.
  11. Yep, Charlie too.
  12. Write note for husband to remember to pick up more Pupperoni next time he hits Sam's.
It's hectic and a bit hilarious.  You have to laugh, because... well, the alternative is unpleasant and makes my throat sore :P

I'm having a bit more trouble with insomnia at the moment, but it should pass.  I'm sure the stress over Teddy isn't helping, but it should abate somewhat over time, assuming we have him long enough for that to occur.  I'm dead tired today, though, so I'm going to hop into bed as early as possible this evening.

Outside of that, not much to report.  My food intake continues as always and since the scale is trending down, I'm good.

I may or may not have consumed a few too many Hershey's Gold Minis last night.  Ahem.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Day 62 Lexapro

Wow.  What a difference two months makes.  I've been on Lexapro for that period of time and this morning I had a realization:  in addition to not dwelling on stuff to the point it drives me almost nuts, I can't remember the last time I had one of those "I just want to die!!!" mental wailing moments, or any time when I felt like sleeping for the foreseeable future.

This is huge.  I look back, and before going on medication I felt as if I were drowning.  Now I'm walking on solid earth.  That doesn't mean there isn't the occasional puddle, rock, or tree branch in my way.  There will always be challenges, and medication doesn't make them go away.  What it does do, however, is remove the quicksand.

I'm not perfect by any means.  I work on my mental health daily, and my general living practices as well, but things are certainly better than they were :)

On the Teddy front, he's holding steady.  Today marked the second day he refused his breakfast, but his eating otherwise (dinner and ALL THE TREATS!!!) as well as his fluid consumption and medicating him remains good.  I'm not certain the 2x/day Lasix dosage is going to cut it, but when we move up to 3x/day we know we're closer to the end.  Whichever way it works (we'll hear from the vet's office tomorrow regarding his blood and urinalysis results), we'll take the best care of him we can, and accept the decision we will likely have to make when the time comes.

Hugs, sweet boy.  Mama loves you.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Day 61 Lexapro

Down yet ANOTHER 0.6 pounds at 167.2.  Consistency is a thing.

I'm aggravated with the glacially slow rate of weight loss, but I'm 48 and on Lexapro so I should probably count my blessings.  It's moving in the right direction.  If I want it to go more quickly I need to add in activity.  Duh.

Regarding my dog, he's doing better for now :)  The Lasix finally kicked in and by yesterday morning he was eating and acting much more like himself.  We went to the vet and although he's in a terminal stage for congestive heart failure, we've got six months to a year with him (or thereabouts) until the medications stop being effective.  For now, he's completely his old self, right down to his downright aggravating habit of "Mommy, put me up on the bed!  Okay, I want down again.  Now back up!" all within a five minute period of time.

The emergency vet had him on a 3x/ day dosage, and his regular vet moved it to 2x/ day.  Today is the first time the dosages are 12 hours apart so needless to say I'm watching him like a hawk, but at the moment he's seeming fine other than turning his nose up at breakfast.  He did eat some after his Lasix dose, so my plan is that he should do Lasix first, then breakfast, rather than the inverse.  As long as his breathing and behavior stay normal, I'm fine.  If not, I'll up his dosage again.

He wasn't turning down all food by any means -- he ate ALL the treats, so I'm cautiously optimistic.

We have a few more stages of medication, including adding in a kidney medicine should the need arise, so there's time (how much no one knows) before we have to make that call.  I don't love it, but watching him struggle to breathe Thursday night there is no way I'd let him suffer like that.  He deserves better.

We'll take care of him to the best of our ability all the way to the end.  I love my bitty boy.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Day 59 Lexapro

It's not a good night.

Our oldest dog is in congestive heart failure.  It was so bad this evening that my husband and I ended up taking him to the emergency veterinary clinic.  His heart is so enlarged it's severely impinging on his lung capacity.  We got some Lasix for him and brought him home, and thankfully it's finally making its way into his system and he's breathing more easily, but I honestly don't know if he'll make it through the night.

My poor little boy :(  He's only 10, and he's a tiny breed so I'd expected him to live longer.

So essentially, I'm sitting watch.  I'm up at 11:15 at night (my usual bedtime is 8:00 or 9:00 at the latest), and I'm staying up until I can't any longer.  My alarm's set for 4:00 AM to give him another dose of Lasix if he's still with us and see if there's anything more that's reasonable to do.  I'm up for medicating him 3x/ day, but I saw his x-rays and it doesn't look good.

I hate this.  We'll be okay.  This isn't our first pet loss... but I thought I'd have longer.  I still hope I do, but tomorrow will tell.

Hug all your babies tight, including the furry ones.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Day 54 Lexapro

167.8 today, another 0.6 pounds down -- so at least I'm consistent?  Regardless, I'm still losing and that's 100% a plus.  I'd like to lose more quickly, but at the moment I'm not willing to put in the work so I either need to resign myself to a slow-but-steady weight loss or suck it up and get in my 30 minutes a day of walking/ bike riding.

Honestly, it would be good to exercise like an adult.  I'm thinking about it.  It wouldn't kill me to get on the bike or treadmill for half an hour when I get home from work.  I just need to do it.

All that said, the trendline is moving down and I've been out of the 170's on my weigh-in day for three weekends now, so that's a good thing.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Day 53 Lexapro

I seem to be in a bit of a holding pattern with my weight, judging from how the scale has behaved this week.  This morning it was 169.8.  Bleah.  That said, yesterday I took my younger son to Subway after his school's orientation and I did NOT eat as if I were trying to lose weight.  I mean, I didn't go nuts and get a foot-long BMT with double meat and double cheese, but I did get a 6" BMT (normal meat and cheese) on the Italian Herbs & Cheese bread along with a bag of Doritos and a peanut butter cookie.

Nope, it was not my best choice by any means.  I'm sure it also caused some water retention due to the sodium in the food.  Additionally, it was my only real meal of the day.  I had a banana prior to orientation, and fruit cup at the office's normal lunch hour (Subway was at 10:30), and two cheese/meat rolls (approximately 150 calories) before bed last night, so ultimately we're looking at 1400 calories maximum, and that's guesstimating pretty high on the fruit cup.

So, really not a bad day.  On the downside, I haven't walked all week due to scheduling and so forth, so I'm not really anticipating a great weigh-in tomorrow.  But I didn't lose my mind either, so I'm going to call that a win.

This weekend is going to be a long one as I've taken off Monday and Tuesday to celebrate both my husband's birthday and our wedding anniversary.  There will be much food.  There will also be a drag queen brunch locally on Sunday, which we'll be attending as a few of our friends are performing.  Sounds like a good stop in a fabulous long weekend :)

Mood-wise I'm doing okay.  Part of me wants to up the Lexapro, but in fairness it's really doing its job well.  I am still able to turn off the endless loops of distress and put them to bed for awhile, which is helpful.  I'd rather just have that "nudge" from the medication if that's all I need.  If I end up needing more, I'll reassess.

Have an excellent weekend, everyone :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Day 51 Lexapro

Scale weight is 169.8 today, so it's doing its weird thing where it's low on Saturday morning, holds steady for a bit, spikes, then drops again.  I'm sure this is entirely related to my weekend dining habits, but frankly as long as the overall trendline with my weight is heading in a downward direction I'm fine with it.

That said, one thing I'm going to do today is watch my caffeine intake more closely.  The reason for this is twofold:  1) I'm really trying not to encourage the insomnia that the Lexapro has exacerbated, so I need to get back to consuming less caffeine before lunch, as well as my strict post-lunch cut-off; and 2) I've noticed that the more caffeine I consume, the more fluid I tend to retain.  The latter is somewhat counter-intuitive, when one considers that caffeine is a diuretic, but apparently I'm not drinking enough water which is causing my body to hold onto every drop as if I'm living in the Sahara rather than a state with near 100% humidity.  So... yeah.  More water consumption is definitely on the gameboard for today and prayerfully the conceivable future.

Other than that, all is well especially because two of my favorite authors released books yesterday, which means I was up a teensy bit late finishing the one and starting the other :)  Okay, time for three NEW things I'm happy about!
  • I'd say the books release was number one but I already mentioned it :P  Hmmm... okay, #1 will be I'm happy the scale dropped this morning :)
  • I'm happy I realized that the caffeine could be causing further fluid retention and that I'm working to alleviate that problem (although I seem to repeat this cycle)
  • I'm happy school is starting back Monday, so we can get back into the normal routine.
I believe that's it for today -- have a good one!

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Day 50 Lexapro

Lordy I'm tired. 

I'd say the one side effect from the Lexapro that hasn't really abated to a degree I'd like is the insomnia.  I woke up Monday morning at 3:00 AM and wasn't able to get back to sleep, so last night I went to bed really early -- as in, I was in bed by 7:30.

I couldn't fall asleep until well past 8:00, and even then I woke up again at 2:00 AM for another bout of wakefulness that at least ended sometime before I was due to get up.

I'd just like to stop feeling like I'm about to faceplant into my keyboard, please.  Yeesh.

Outside of that, I was retaining water like a beast this morning.  Yesterday was 168.4; today was 171.8.  At first I was sure the scale needed to re-calibrate, but nope!  Oh well, I saw it coming.  It was the red beans, likely in combination with the Subway for yesterday's breakfast and possibly the frozen dinner style lunch I had.  Thankfully, today is a normal food day, and the remaining red beans are for my husband; here's hoping tomorrow's weigh-in is a bit more normal.

Okay, on for the three things I'm happy about:
  • Oh, huge one -- I'm happy that the dream I had last night was not real!  For some reason I was dreaming that my mother was trying to make me mow the lawn (y'all, I have never touched a lawnmower in all my 48 years and I don't intend on starting now); when I refused, she said she was going to take my car.  That she didn't buy me.  Uh-huh, okay there!
  • I'm happy I continue to take steps to improve myself and to become the person I want to be.
  • I'm super happy I got confirmation that my vacation day requests were approved and I have next Monday and Tuesday off -- squeeeee!!!!
Have a great Tuesday, everyone :)

Monday, August 6, 2018

Day 49 Lexapro

Another 0.6 pounds down this week, so 168.4 :)  No, it's not huge, but that scale went down so I didn't have to show up to Weight Watchers this week again.  Actually, I wouldn't have gone this week regardless, since I had to take the boys shopping (it was a tax holiday this past weekend) and we weren't going to be out in the insanity that is our mall any later than necessary.

I forgot three new things I'm happy about Friday, so I'll give it a whirl today.
  • I'm happy I've finally stopped sweating (this morning was brutal)
  • I'm happy I have a bed to crash into tonight (I've been awake since 3AM)
  • I'm happy I have caffeine (see above)
It's not a perfect list of happiness, but it'll do.  Have a good one, folks :)

Friday, August 3, 2018

Day 46 Lexapro

169.8 this morning, and it's definitely water retention.  I could barely get my wedding ring off when I went to wash my face, and I'm still feeling rather puffy.  I'm going to consume mass quantities of water today and hopefully that will do the trick.

After my coffee, that is.  Because coffee.

And also because I woke up 90 minutes late this morning and couldn't have all my coffee at home, which would explain why I'm still drinking it at the office.  It would also explain why I totally skipped my moisturizer (which has me vaguely resembling a lizard), and my eye makeup is lacking its usual anal-retentive flair.

Then I had to stop and get the Friday donuts, aka the weekly "Let's Make Amanda Bring in the Instruments of her Own Torture" fest, and a new lady was working the counter.

Y'all, I can't even.  My evens have run out the door to join my fucks, which similarly fled quite some time ago.  She argued with me that a glazed sour cream is the same as a glazed cake donut (they're not).  She argued with me that I said a cake donut (I'd said CHOCOLATE cake, and two at that).  She argued with me that the glazed chocolate cake donuts were blueberry, which... no.  They're not.

And then when we got to the donut hole order, the guy who usually takes my order told her she wasn't going "heavy on the glazed donut holes."  He told her exactly what "heavy" meant, and she still kept acting as if she was right until he took the box from her and fixed it himself.

Bless that counter crew.  They're great.  I'm sure the new lady is lovely... well, actually I'm not, because you don't argue with customers, and when a more experienced crew member tries to tell you what the customer's order is, you don't ignore that person's advice.

Oh, and adding insult to injury, she screwed up my coffee order.  My coffee order is BLACK, y'all.  You have to WORK to make it wrong.

All that said, she's one person in an otherwise amazing shop, so hopefully she'll either stay on the back end of operations from here on out, or she'll learn. I'm really questioning the latter possibility though, to be frank.  I hear enough from my husband about new hires acting this way (he's a restaurant manager), and... yeah, this does not bode well.

Anyway, so that's how my morning started :)  Breakfast is NOT my usual, because there was zero time.  Instead I grabbed a yogurt, a banana, and some cut up melon that I'm hoping will tide me over until lunch, which today will be Amanda's Obnoxious Olive Garden Order, consisting of salmon with no sauce and steamed broccoli... and salad, because that dressing rocks my world.

Needless to say, I'm looking forward to lunch very much.

Okay, that's about it for my inane ramblings.  Have a great weekend, everyone! 

Holy Slackitude, Batman!

Yeah, yeah, it's been over a month.  I've put weight back on.  It's hard to say exactly how much because the scale is waffling...