169.8 this morning, and it's definitely water retention. I could barely get my wedding ring off when I went to wash my face, and I'm still feeling rather puffy. I'm going to consume mass quantities of water today and hopefully that will do the trick.
After my coffee, that is. Because coffee.
And also because I woke up 90 minutes late this morning and couldn't have all my coffee at home, which would explain why I'm still drinking it at the office. It would also explain why I totally skipped my moisturizer (which has me vaguely resembling a lizard), and my eye makeup is lacking its usual anal-retentive flair.
Then I had to stop and get the Friday donuts, aka the weekly "Let's Make Amanda Bring in the Instruments of her Own Torture" fest, and a new lady was working the counter.
Y'all, I can't even. My evens have run out the door to join my fucks, which similarly fled quite some time ago. She argued with me that a glazed sour cream is the same as a glazed cake donut (they're not). She argued with me that I said a cake donut (I'd said CHOCOLATE cake, and two at that). She argued with me that the glazed chocolate cake donuts were blueberry, which... no. They're not.
And then when we got to the donut hole order, the guy who usually takes my order told her she wasn't going "heavy on the glazed donut holes." He told her exactly what "heavy" meant, and she still kept acting as if she was right until he took the box from her and fixed it himself.
Bless that counter crew. They're great. I'm sure the new lady is lovely... well, actually I'm not, because you don't argue with customers, and when a more experienced crew member tries to tell you what the customer's order is, you don't ignore that person's advice.
Oh, and adding insult to injury, she screwed up my coffee order. My coffee order is BLACK, y'all. You have to WORK to make it wrong.
All that said, she's one person in an otherwise amazing shop, so hopefully she'll either stay on the back end of operations from here on out, or she'll learn. I'm really questioning the latter possibility though, to be frank. I hear enough from my husband about new hires acting this way (he's a restaurant manager), and... yeah, this does not bode well.
Anyway, so that's how my morning started :) Breakfast is NOT my usual, because there was zero time. Instead I grabbed a yogurt, a banana, and some cut up melon that I'm hoping will tide me over until lunch, which today will be Amanda's Obnoxious Olive Garden Order, consisting of salmon with no sauce and steamed broccoli... and salad, because that dressing rocks my world.
Needless to say, I'm looking forward to lunch very much.
Okay, that's about it for my inane ramblings. Have a great weekend, everyone!